Elisha's "Double Portion" of Elijah's Spirit

Elijah's 8 Miracles

Elisha's 16 Miracles

1. Shutting heaven and stopping the rain for three years (I Kings 17:1) 1. Jordan river divided (II Kings 2:14) 9. Bread multiplied (II Kings 4:43)
2. Oil multiplied, the grain increased daily, the widow woman (I Kings 17:12-14) 2. Waters at the spring of Jericho healed (II Kings 2:21) 10. Naaman healed of leprosy (II Kings 5:10)
3. Widow's son raised from the dead (I Kings 17:22-23) 3. Bears from the woods destroy the mockers (II Kings 2:24) 11. Gehazi smitten with leprosy (II Kings 5:27)
4. Fire from heaven on the soaked altar (I Kings 18:38) 4. Water for kings (II Kings 3:20) 12. Caused the iron to swim (II Kings 6:6)
5. Rain returns (I Kings 18:45) 5. Oil for widow (II Kings 4:1-4) 13. Sight to the blind (II Kings 6:17)
6. Fire brought down on the first 51 soldiers (II Kings 1:10) 6. Gift of son (II Kings 4:16-17) 14. Smiting with blindness (II Kings 6:18)
7. Fire brought down on the second 51 soldiers(II Kings 1:12) 7. Raising the child from the dead (II Kings 4:35) 15. Restoring sight to those smitten with blindness (II Kings 6:20)
8. The parting of the river Jordan (II Kings 2:8) 8. Healing of the pottage (II Kings 4:41) 16. After his death, man comes to life after touching Elisha's bones (II Kings 13:21)